Resource category: SEND
Using Music as an Educational Tool with Purple Patch Arts
Build your skills and activities in using music as a multi-faceted learning tool to expand the life skills of your...
The Social Model of Disability with Drake Music
A workshop focused on the practical implementation of the Social Model of Disability.
Developing Confidence in Singing with Beccy Owen
Making peace: your voice Vocal health: Warming up, cooling down, and getting the body involved Language: Developing a vocal ‘shorthand’...
Creating Online Content for SEND Music Delivery with Josh Savage
Body Percussion with Sarah Fisher
Learn how to communicate using body percussion and develop participants’ skills and fun within your music sessions.
Developing Inclusive Ensembles with DaDa Fest
Explore ways to engage and deliver ensemble work in a variety of settings.
SEND Activity Cards – Inclusive Music Makers
Inclusive Music Makers is a series of musical activity cards for practitioners and parents/carers to use with children and young...
SEND Week 2022 Cosmo – A Resource to Explore
Join us for this interactive workshop exploring Cosmo – a new resource for musical games, developing communication, motor skills and...
SEND Week 2022 Creative Percussion with Jo May
Join Jo May for an insight into her percussive work in SEND settings. In this session we will look at...
SEND Week 2022 Youth Voice Panel Discussion
Chaired by Liz Coombs from Sound Connections we will be taking an in-depth look at the work of Open Up,...