Connecting young people with sound opportunities


DIY Festivals Workshop

What are the building blocks of a DIY Festival? Unpack festival management and event production at this FREE workshop in York Clements Hall from 11am-4pm on the 8th of February

Led by musician, composer, and festival curator Sophie Cooper, this training session is packed with all the info you’ll need to kickstart your career, giving you practical steps to break into the music industry and put your events ideas into action.

Over the course of the workshop, you’ll explore key elements of designing, promoting, and running a DIY music festival or event! FInd out more and book now through Eventbrite

This opportunity is open to all aged 18-25 years (up to 30 if disabled or neurodivergent), and the venue is a 10-minute walk from York Train Station, multiple bus stops, and is wheelchair accessible. Lunch, hot drinks and cold drinks will be provided.

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