Early Years Music

AMP’s Early Years Music Network was established in 2012, and has offered support to members from settings as diverse as arts organisations to community nurseries, as well as freelance music practitioners and Head Teachers.
Regional Early Years Music networking events allow members to meet peers and experienced early years music practitioners, share practice with each other and pick up new tools, resources, songs and games to use in their own settings.
Full membership is open to all, for no charge. If you work with children aged 0 to 5, you can join us free. Your peers will include music practitioners, workshop leaders, playgroup leaders, children’s centre managers and staff, childminders, and students.
Membership is free, and you will receive:
- Quarterly e-bulletins featuring the latest policy updates, research and sector news
- Invitations to Early Years Music CPD and Networking events in North Yorkshire, ensuring they’re the first to hear about training opportunities nearby
- Free networking events
- Free webinars
- Access to online resources including music makers song books, early years song bank, career planning webinars and specialist panel discussions
- Free 3-week hire of resource kits
Musical Journeys: A Day at the Pond / Mausam
Our brand new, multi-part digital resource for early years featuring music and dance from the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment (OAE) and South Asian Arts-uk (SAA-uk), narrated by Seetal Kaur. Sign up for this beautiful new digital resource and full pack for only £30, which gives you full access to all videos, all resources and the digital resource handbook download.
Resource Kits Library
Network members have access to borrow resource kits for up to 3 months. We have various resource boxes on offer:
- SEND kit
- SEND Percussion Explorer
- Percussion kit
- Africa kit
- South America kit
Get in touch to find out more.
If you’re not already a member of the network, join today to be kept up to date with future events!